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Very nice demo! Looking forward to a full version. Keep up the great work.


The jumpscare was really good. It actually got me! I look forward to the full game, as the demo was really good and fun to play. Not to mention, very hooking!



patch note?

(1 edit)

Hello :)

We added a new jumpscare, a pause menu, improve UI and a new sound effect for the door slamming and now the safe code is random and different in every try.


actually got me real good with the jumpscare great game  

enjoyed this game, couple of the scares got me good!

Excited to see what comes next!


Un juego muy prometedor! Gran trabajo!

Pretty interesting demo, I like the setting being that of a ghost down and I do hope we'll get to explore more of it in the full game. The atmosphere is quite spooky, specially due to only having a lighter to see around and, of course, due to the abandoned state of everything. Though I will say, the audio design could be improved. If you've ever gone to an abandoned building before then you know that they are eerily quiet, meaning any small noises will appear as if they were loud, which applies to footsteps, creaks, wind going through broken windows, that kind of stuff. They're all very audible due to the lack of people talking, car noises, etc. So I think that's an opportunity you should definitely make use of. Other than that, it was a good demo!


Good horror game. 


holy moly this demo got me Soooo good!!!


Cool game! Loved the demo so far. One thing I disliked is the very small FOV. A setting to change that would've been lovely, it's way too zoomed in in my opinion. Good luck on the full game!! 😊

Fun demo, a bit back and forth but decent sound to set a stage and some good tension building scenes. THAT JUMPSCARE REALLY GOT ME!!!

GOOD, boneka bayinya serem banget mana bisa pindah-pindah lagi. 

Terima kasih! Senang sekali kamu merasa boneka bayinya menyeramkan. Kami berusaha membuat pengalaman yang mengerikan dan menegangkan. Tetap pantau update kami!


Beautiful game! I'll keep an eye out for when the full game comes out. Congratulations on your work, guys!

Thank you so much! We appreciate your support and look forward to sharing the full game with you!


I love it soooooo much. The terrifying atmosphere of the game overwhelms youThe horrific atmosphere of the game will creep you out

Thank you!


nice nice



Can’t wait for the full release to uncover more secrets behind the city’s tragic downfall.

Thank you! We're excited for you to uncover more secrets in the full release. Stay tuned!


Nice this was very good demo game and good atmospheric I might play full version when is release but its on my wishlist on my Steam but just asking is this full version game also here when is coming out on or just only on Steam? anyway well done keep it up!

Thank you! We're glad you enjoyed the demo and added it to your Wishlist. The full version will be released on Steam, and we're also planning an release. Stay tuned for the release date. Thanks for your support!


I will be playing this live tomorrow 9/7 around 530-6 PM EST.

It's a bit rough around the edges, but the atmosphere is good and with a bit of polishing and further development I could see the full game being pretty fun. Also, the toilet flushing absolutely broke my brain.

Thanks for the feedback! We're glad you liked the atmosphere. We're working on polishing the game, and we appreciate your support. The toilet flushing moment was definitely a fun touch! Stay tuned for updates!



There's just something about them that adds an extra layer of spookiness to horror games. Thanks for sharing your thoughts (and your video)!


This game is very good and original, the sounds are very good, congratulations to the creators of this great game, I want the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, greetings from Spain!!

Thank you so much for your kind words and support! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the game and appreciated the sounds.

For being a demo, this was not bad! Could see improvement in the paper interaction, specifically when leaving the note, it kind of seems like the player is stuck in the note since there is no obvious way to exit it until you click on the note on the table again. Made a video on it.


Thank you for playing our demo! We're glad you enjoyed it. We appreciate your feedback on the paper interaction. We'll work on making it more obvious how to exit the notes to improve the player experience.

We'd love to see your video! Thanks for sharing it.

Muchas gracias por compartir la demo, de momento por lo que he visto en la demo el juego tiene muy buena pinta, la atmósfera te mete de lleno en el juego, muy buen trabajo, como consejo hubiera estado bien que el fantasma hubiera venido hacia ti por la puerta y justo ahí cortas la demo, aquí comparto el vídeo que he hecho, saludos desde España.

¡Muchas gracias por jugar nuestro demo! Nos alegra mucho que te haya gustado la atmósfera del juego. Apreciamos tus consejos y tomaremos en cuenta tu sugerencia sobre el fantasma para futuras actualizaciones.


This was an awesome game my dudes! Very interesting story, a great thick atmosphere, good sound effects and nice graphics. I all around enjoyed this demo, I'll be checking out the full version for sure! My only complaint would be the walking speed is so slow, maybe turn it up or add a sprint? I feel there should be a few more jump scares, or some more loud noises, doors slamming, something to make it a little more tense while exploring but other then that, super solid. I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Thank you so much for playing and for the awesome feedback! We're glad you enjoyed the atmosphere and story. 😊 We'll definitely look into adjusting the walking speed and adding more tense moments like you suggested. Thanks for sharing your gameplay and recommending the demo

—can't wait for you to check out the full version! 🚪👻


cool game

Thank you!





nice game

Thank you!


I really enjoyed the DEMO. I am looking forward to the full version. 

Thanks for playing the demo! We're excited that you're looking forward to the full version.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really nice game... The environment looked good, the gameplay was quite tense and over-all the game seemed good... During my gameplay I encountered the following inconveniences :

1. The car in the image below is looking a bit weird, I think it need a bit of thickness, because some faces were inverted and I could see through them. This problem is optional, because I was wondering in the word looking for an item and I thought that the car maybe had it... (Optional)

2. The toilet were looking ok, but the water in them was looking good... I know that maybe you wanted to simulate a realistic "flush of the toilet", but in my opinion it made the game look unpolished... I put 2 images below :

3. A little problem with lighting... The chandelier had it's lightbulbs looking like they are on, but the light is off... (by this I mean that they look like they emit light effect is on, but the actual light is off).

4. The gameplay was ok, but didn't engage with me... I personally think that it was a mild horror game. I was hoping to get at least 2-3 jumpscares with a creature walking at incredible speed on the hallway, but the single jumpscare (that it wasn't actually scary) was that white bed sheet that was supposed to scare me... I walked around it before the end of demo screen pop-up...

5. At this point the game felt more like a "walking with a lighter in hand simulator" game and I really felt bored... I also found a bit frustrating the speed that the character was walking to and it was a pain to have to go from room to room at that slow speed without the possibility to run even for a few second (the stamina will also need to be shown by a loading bar that depletes when you run and fill when you walk normally...

6. The game was a bit too blank and the mechanic with the lighter can be improved if you add a limited oil amount in it an also let players find cans of oil along the gameplay...

7. The "search in trash" mechanic need a progress bar because I didn't know how much it took to the player to search in it and I had to do it twice because at first I didn't know if it done something until the second time when I got the text "There is nothing usefull here".

So this is my opinion on the game... I don't want to sound rude, the game is nice and I feel like it was made by a beginner game-dev (I am not a master in videogames myself), but this review serve as a point to improve this game... I can tell from the gameplay that IT CAN BE IMRPOVED to the point where it can attract a lot of players... Just work at the monster look (a bed sheet is too basic) and keep implementing more original jumpscares (make the monster walk on hallway with a fast movement speed) and I will guarantee that it will improve you game 5 times.

Thank you so much for playing our game! Regarding the jump scares, the fast-moving figure in the hallway is a classic scare tactic, and while it’s popular, we have plans to refine it for our full game. This is just a DEMO, but we definitely aim to make it scarier. We also appreciate you taking the time to playtest and identify bugs for us. We’ll be working on fixing those!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yep. Your game, your idea... but just make sure to make them scary! :D


Brillant cant wait for the full version 

Thank you so much for your support and for sharing your gameplay video! We're thrilled that you enjoyed the demo and can't wait to see you playing the full version of the game.


Good sense of atmosphere, would be interested in a longer version for sure. 

Thank you so much for the feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the atmosphere. We're actually working on a full version, so stay tuned for more updates!


I just played the demo and got SCARED, I love these type of games, I already added it to my Steam wishlist. Good job guys! 

Thank you so much for playing! We're glad to hear the demo gave you a good scare. It means a lot that you've added the game to your Steam Wishlist. We can't wait to share more with you soon!